Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week 7

How to secure your Email communication?
Communication is important to any organization and email is getting more popularity than ever. Now-a-day, using email as the main tool to communication with all individuals related to your organization benefiting in many ways. There is no doubt that to the Internet-based organization; email is bringing several threats that most of the employees are not even aware of it. So, there is always a need for training and awareness regarding how to use email, what to access, what not to, how to find out your email is trustworthy or not.
Here are some common issues and consideration to use email in a secure way and be cautious of possible threats come across the development of technology and several possible threats.
  1. Organization should implement acceptable use policy for email communication that all employees must comply with. This kind of policy will help the organization to protect employee and business. The policy should provide a necessary measure to monitor email communication on a regular basis.
  2. All email should be encrypted, which help to protect the information system and security of an organization as well as organization’s assets. While sending sensitive information via email, it is necessary to use commonly used methods for email encryption such as PGP and S/MIME.
  3. Take necessary measure while sending or replying email. When responding email-using reply all function could send your classified information to the non-related person, so it is important to check recipients carefully and avoid unwanted recipients from your email before sending your sensitive information.
  4. Keep your software up to date to avoid possible malware or unnecessary threats, which could expose sensitive information or could be vulnerable to such threats.
  5. Always use the secure software before spreading malware and victimizing from Phishing attacks. It is necessary to use trusted security software approved by your organization and keep them up to date malware prevention, and a securely configured firewall.
  6. Avoid email from unknown users and the un-trusted email contains. Do not click any attached websites or any attachments to your email. Malicious emails often contain attachments that contain malware or hidden in your attached pdf and zip files. Always perform security scanning to your mail before opening any contents.
  7. Always disable automatic content downloads, because that download could open the door to hackers to access your system and your organization’s sensitive information.
  8. Always use the unique and strong password to your email to prevent an attacker from accessing your email account and sensitive information stored or linked to your system. Always use the algorithmic pattern to create a password, use at least 8 characters, and include numbers and special characters.
  9. Always log out your system after checking or sending the email out. It will provide security measures and avoid unauthorized user accessing the system.
  10.  Perform email filter and delete or archive old email or email which are no longer in use.
There is no doubt that all organization has their set of policies and guideline to use email in secure manners and avoid vulnerability of sensitive information from disaster. And always keep a close eye to monitor the security software and make sure all software has latest updates. 



PJ 2009, “Secure Email Communication and Use”, Published on, Retrieved From:

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