Thursday, August 11, 2016

I learned a lot from this class

Week 12

This is the last post for this class. I learned a lot from this class. I appreciate the feedback from the coach and other students. It helped me to dig more into the topics that I posted. I have been working past 4 years in IT Industries but never been involved with the Threat modeling process. This class helped me to put together what I was missing when someone was requesting me to apply the patch by this time. It also helped me to understand how valuable threat modeling can be to the organization. It helps the companies to understand more about the threat, vulnerability and risk and how to address them with appropriate countermeasure in a logical order starting with the threats that present the greatest risk.

.First, 2, 3, and 4th weeks of this class was a little harder for me. I had to grasp about threat process model quickly. I knew what was threats, vulnerabilities, and risks but threat process model helped me understand more about them and how the company can benefit with it. Harry and Mae Inc. case study was a good learning experience for me. It gave me real like experience if I were to engage threat process modeling for the future employer.Looking back to this class, I wish I had spent more time to understand the whole process more for the case study. My approach to the case study would have been different. For the threat action report, I introduced layered security. which I should have incorporated from the beginning After going through all this, now I understand that I should have looked at the case study with broach spectrum than weekly assignments. I must say Security Trends forum was difficult for me. I was not engaged as much as others. I wish it was weekly postings so easier to read and respond.
I am glad this class is under my belt. I have 1 more class to go after this and it will be with Coach Ron as well. I am looking forward to next class and finally, I can say I completed the MS in Cybersecurity.